World In Tune - Voices for Peace A Concert Featuring The Rosa Choir & Ubuntu Friends Together Singing a New Song of Peace UN Peace Day Initiative 2024 - Cultivating a Culture of Peace Cultivating Cultures of Peace Music: our shared language, the primal connection that moves us beyond the everyday differences in our lives. We allow the music to bring us into community; we sing ourselves into unity, many notes creating one song. Have you ever seen communities singing as they till the soil Blending human labour into the heartbeat of the soil and allowing the rhythm of the earth to sing itself through the resonant voices of a shared mission... cultivating the soil, cultivating peace, reaping the harvest, reaping the joy, celebrating the generosity of life: the promise and the peace in the melodies of our lives. To those who have ears to hear the message of peace... come and listen with us. Saturday, 21 September, 6pm to 8pm Entrance R150.Early Bird R120 (Limited Seats available) At The Novalis Ubuntu Institute Sponsors: Partners: Novalis Ubuntu Institute, The Rosa Choir, Gate House Centre & Global Interfaith

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